Thursday, 22 November 2012

Audience Research- Interviews

For our first form of Audience Research we decided to directly speak to people in the form of an interview.We decided to ask questions needed to give us an idea of what people of all ages enjoy in Thriller, and what they expect from them.Opinions were also important as it gives us a closer insight into what they do not enjoy in a thriller so we can not make the same mistakes as some Thrillers made. We have decided to do an Open questionnaire as it is more likely to give us the information we need.

I interviewed a mixture of genders and ages.

My Interview
First person- Age 16, Male
Second Person- Age 27, Female
Third Person- 45, Female

What do you expect from a good Thriller?
A twist in the storyline and a mystery
Second: Cliffhangers, jumps
Third: Entertainment, Racing heart

What do you enjoy in a Thriller?
First: Believable character, watching closely to not miss anything, confusion, leading you to believe something else
Second: Different character personalities, big climax in storyline
Third: Good storyline, believable characters

How would you describe a Thriller?
Always gets you thinking, your always on the edge of your seat
Second: Scary, Real -life (believable), dark, jumpy, tense, scary music
Third: Tense, Jumpy, Keeps your on the edge of  your seat

What makes a good opening to a Thriller?
First: The start of the Thriller shows the ending of it (creates confusion), mystery
Second: Gets your questioning, tense music
Third: Immediately catches your attention, big beaty music, you question until the end of film (doesn't give anything away)

Your favourite Thriller?
Inception because the start of the film shows the ending. The credits of Inception also show the mystery as the title 'Inception' is made out of a map
Second: Taken because of the suspense
Third: Fracture because it is about outwitting a cold hearted murderer and the tension

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