Saturday, 5 January 2013

Our Thriller Conventions- Anna

Choosing the thriller conventions in our thriller opening is an important aspect of the planning. At the beginning of our thriller opening, the audience will view the introduction of characters, location and various other conventions. We will make the opening built up on suspense and avoid loosing the viewer's attention.

The first thriller convention to be included in our opening is themes of identity which will introduce the audience to the characters and the plot of the thriller. It will introduce the vulnerability of the teenage girl by portraying shots of her getting ready whilst the stalker is talking to her which makes her feel uncomfortable. The personality of the stalker will help be identified through the social network, Twitter, by showing the direct messages sent by him to the girl. This helps present to the audience about the male character's views upon the teenage girl.

Another convention I think we should use is Voyeurism. Voyeurism captures the viewer's attention as it builds up hype because the audience are interested in who the voyeur is and why they are watching that character. I think it will help the audience see through the male character's perspective and see two sides to the plot. By using Voyeurism in the opening, it will establish the obsession the male character has on the teenager and show what the character wants to watch in her.

The third convention I would like to include in our thriller opening is definitely Mise en Scene. It will identify the costumes, props which will establish to the audience the location and the personality of the characters by portraying what they tend to wear which will show their occupation. Mise en scene also involves the lighting in the scene and as the general lighting in thrillers tend to be quite dark and dim so I think in our opening we should aim to make the scenes and shots look gloomy and mysterious which will help give an eerie feel to the audience. In the opening we will use certain props to give a feel to the audience of what for example the male character is capable of, such as, we will present a notebook in the scene to demonstrate the obsession he has with the teenage girl.

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